The collaborative efforts between Natural Eco Capital and the GEM Group will provide opportunities to sub-Saharan African countries to access secure, reliable and efficient electronic platform for spot trading in all types of allowances, offsets and credit units. This is because Africa needs a catalyst to re-engineer renewable energy and regional set of carbon/economic standards.

Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX) is the world’s first wholesale exchange platform for Climate Finance ‘offsets’ (carbon credits) providing low cost UNFCCC verified offsets to fund projects solving climate change.

GEM builds and operates spot exchange markets in Environmental Commodities, Energy Certificates & Financial Securities and has a Worlds first electronic interface with the UNFCCC CDM CER Registry.

Hosted 800+ projects in 30 countries.

• Fully electronic trading (T+0)
• 4 currencies: GBP, Euro, AUD, USD


• OTC – ‘Over-the-counter’: Inefficient, high risk, cost & knowledge requirements
• On a Futures Exchange: only for experts, limited participants, delivery + credit + counter-party risks
• On a Spot Exchange: efficient, low risk/cost, broad participants, physical trading

For West African Nation economies, this collaboration, in the first instance, offers to provide a fully functional Carbon Credit Registry and Exchange platform capable of originating and receiving multiple types of carbon credits for all major program of activities/project types such as: Wind, Solar, Hydro, Forestry, Avoided Deforestation, Deforestation, Waste to Energy, Biomass, Wave and other water generations, Geothermal, and Energy Reduction Technology.

The Registry & Exchange can link easily with other Registries and Exchanges therefore not strictly co-dependent on each other.

Natural Eco Capital is seeking equity investment and/or strategic partners for the final development of the Registry and Exchange and its implementation across West Africa:

Immediate Needs – Equity Investment and/or Strategic Partners. Email:

Future Needs – Projects. Email: